On the 29 of July, Super GT round 5 had just finished. As usual, the GT Queens are the main attraction during the Super GT season. I managed to search the internet for some of the Race Queens pictures right after the race. Here are some of the pictures of the tired Race Queens, after a whole day in the sun!! ^_^
7 月の29 で、5 のあたりの極度のGT はちょうど終わった。通常ように、GT の女王は極度のGT の季節の間の主要な魅力である。私は競争の後の競争の女王映像のいくつかをインターネットを正しく捜すことをどうにかして。ここに太陽の全日後の疲れた競 争の女王の映像のいくつかは、! ある! ^ _ ^
From the top left / 上の左から :
- Tomoe Hara and her blur look. =P
- Midori after the race
- ZENT Sweeties playing Nintendo DS before the race
- A lucky kid with Midori, I want also!!
- Tomoe Hara and her Race Queen pass
- Satoko Mizuki and her box of muscle relieve patches
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