Midori Yamazaki, Race Queen of the year 2006 - 2007 in her bridal gown. She is getting married soon. I still have insufficient information on her wedding. Midori Yamazaki is from the ZENT team in 2006 and in 2007. Here are the few pictures of Midori in her bridal gown. According to Midori, she likes the green gown because it captures peoples attention, as in striking and attractive. The Tiara with the green gown and white gown looks very good on her too.
女王Midori Yamazaki 、彼女のbridal ガウンの2006 年- 2007 年の競争の。彼女はすぐに結婚している。私はまだ彼女の結婚式の不十分な情報を有する。Midori Yamazaki は2006 年にと2007 年にZENT のチームからある。ここに彼女のbridal ガウンのMidori の少数の映像はある。Midori に従って、彼女は人々の注意を捕獲するので顕著及び魅力的のように緑のガウンを、好む。緑のガウンおよび白いガウンとのTiara は彼女で非常によく見るも。
1 件のコメント:
Midori is very very pretty. I am from Iceland and I really like Midori-chan in her wedding dress. I like Midori-chan!